USGF, AGSAA, is a former Pan Am Competitor with a dance and theatre background. She is a founder of the “Rebounders” gymnastics exhibition team that performed throughout the Northeastand was invited to perform at the New York World’s Fair. Daryl Sue has also been an aerobics instructor for 25 years and studied Physical Education and Special Education at the University of Miami. She studied sports medicine and kinesiology and applies the methods to all her exercise and gymnastic work. As the southeast representative for SPRI Inc., she traveled extensively to promote the use of aerobic tubes and bands for different health clubs and studios, as well as a “SPRIercise” FIt Program for school children. She is AFAA certified and is a well-known personal trainer throughout Palm Beach County. She will continue to travel to promote the new “Keep Flippin” franchises. She enjoys paddle boarding, bicycling, and swimming. Her favorite love is running with Gwendolin, her first grandchild, and Bastien, her second!
Daryl Sue Tesoriere
Keep Flippin' Director/Owner